Kadaster was looking to optimize their services by adding an interactive map to their mobile webshop so customers could be able to find addresses and plots faster and order information about that address or plot. For this task they were looking for someone that could design the different user flows for using the map and
switching between list and map view, and a seamless way to go from map to ordering process. The user plays the central role.
switching between list and map view, and a seamless way to go from map to ordering process. The user plays the central role.
Alec started by looking into all user research that has been done on the web shop and analyzed the data. Also looking into who the user exactly is. Based on this he started looking at what kind of checkout flows could be possible and how could we guide the user in the most optimal way. Alec designed multiple concepts. In
consultation with Kadaster the most ideal design was chosen and implemented.
consultation with Kadaster the most ideal design was chosen and implemented.
My role
◦ Research
◦ Prototyping
◦ High level design
Invision prototype Mobile